Bağ & Günen Hukuk Bürosu
Çalışma Saatleri

Pazartesi-Cuma : 09:00 -18:00

Bağ & Günen Hukuk Bürosu


Personal data which are defined as any type of information that can identify persons, cover information related to them such as identity, communication information including areas such as finance and health. In today’s world, personal data are collected, shared, and stored via IT systems by private sector and public for different purposes. Therefore, the protection of personal data became crucial due to the risk of unauthorised access and sharing of confidential information. Personal data started to be used in international documents in the 1980’s and it was taken under protection by the members of the European Council via the Convention for

As a result of the damping investigation about the solar modules and panels that are imported from the People’s Republic of China which was carried out by the Ministry of Economy General Directorate of Imports, it is determined that the products are dumping and caused injury to the domestic production. Therefore it was decided that anti-dumping duty of USD per m2 shall be applied to the products shown below with the application of absolute measures against dumping and within the scope of the Communique on Prevention of Unfair Competition in Imports numbered 2017/6. The Communique was published in the Official

MEMO REGARDING THE REGULATION ON PHARMACOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN FOODSTUFFS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN AND THE REGULATION ON THE ADDITION OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS AND OF CERTAIN OTHER SUBSTANCES TO FOOD Two important regulations concerning food business operators within the food, agriculture and livestock sectors entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 7 March 2017 and numbered 30000. Within this scope detailed information regarding the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on the Classification of Pharmacologically Active Substances in Foodstuffs of Animal Origin and Residue Limits and the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on the Addition of Vitamins and Minerals

Pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) numbered 6102, the corporations consist of collective company, commanded company, ordinary partnership, joint stock company and limited liability company. Within the scope of the TCC, collective and commanded company are deemed as partnerships whereas joint stock, limited liability and commanded company limited by the shares are deemed as corporations. Many important amendments were introduced by the TCC which entered into force in 2012 such as single shareholder joint stock and limited liability company, single member board, repealing the necessity of being a shareholder for the board members and the application of ultra vires principle. In

The amendments on the Free Zones Law (“FZL”) numbered 3218 for facilitating investments and decreasing the financial burden of the public were published in the Official Gazette of 24.02.2017 numbered 29989. The details regarding these amendments are provided below: Expropriation Within the scope of the amendment a provision was added to the 5th Article on organization of free zones which determines that the Council of Ministers may decide for urgent expropriation of lands and facilities that are declared as a free zone. Expropriation procedures are undertaken as per the Expropriation Law numbered 2942 under Turkish law. In case of an urgent expropriation,

What is an Energy Performance Certificate?Energy Performance Certificate should be obtained for existing and new buildings pursuant to the Energy Efficiency Law numbered 5627 and the Regulation on Energy Performance in Buildings. Energy Performance Certificate is a document which includes information about the minimum energy requirement and energy consumption classification of the building, the insulation specifications and the efficiency of heating and/or cooling systems.Which Buildings Are Required to Have Energy Performance Certificate?An Energy Performance Certificate is issued for new and existing buildings. It will be prepared by the authorized institution which will have the authority to prepare this

The regulations that are set out below which will determine the application of the Law on Movable Pledges for Commercial Transactions (“Law”) numbered 6750 have entered into force on 1.1.2017 after their publication in the Official Gazette dated 31.12.2016 and numbered 29935:Regulation on the Establishment of Right of Pledge and Exercise of Rights After Default (“Regulation on Right of Pledge”), Regulation on the Valuation of Movables within Commercial Transactions (“Regulation on Valuation”), Regulation on the Pledged Movable Registry (“Regulation on Registry”).Our explanations regarding these regulations are set out below: I. Regulation on Right of Pledge Regulation on Right of Pledge regulates

The Regulation on Maritime Trade Supervision Services (“Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette on 16.12.2016 which was prepared by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications. The Regulation will enter into force on 16.06.2017 accordingly real and legal persons that provide maritime supervision services shall be required to obtain a certificate of operation. Supervision Services and Certificate of Operation Within the Regulation, supervision service is defined as controlling, surveillance, measurement, and documentation services which require commercial or technical expertise within the scope of maritime trade and that are undertaken on sea, vessel, cargo, coast facility or between the relationships among