Bağ & Günen Hukuk Bürosu
Çalışma Saatleri

Pazartesi-Cuma : 09:00 -18:00

Bağ & Günen Hukuk Bürosu

April 2017

Personal data which are defined as any type of information that can identify persons, cover information related to them such as identity, communication information including areas such as finance and health. In today’s world, personal data are collected, shared, and stored via IT systems by private sector and public for different purposes. Therefore, the protection of personal data became crucial due to the risk of unauthorised access and sharing of confidential information. Personal data started to be used in international documents in the 1980’s and it was taken under protection by the members of the European Council via the Convention for

As a result of the damping investigation about the solar modules and panels that are imported from the People’s Republic of China which was carried out by the Ministry of Economy General Directorate of Imports, it is determined that the products are dumping and caused injury to the domestic production. Therefore it was decided that anti-dumping duty of USD per m2 shall be applied to the products shown below with the application of absolute measures against dumping and within the scope of the Communique on Prevention of Unfair Competition in Imports numbered 2017/6. The Communique was published in the Official